
Your Source for Southern California Jams,
Open Mics, and Band Showcases

Submitting Events

In order to make JamCalendar.com the most complete and up-to-date tool for musicians and fans in Southern California, we need your help!

Although we've considered an automated submission system, the manual method, with requisite editorial review and discretion, will remain the procedure for now.

To suggest an event for the calendar, please send an email to admin@jamcalendar.com with the following information.

  • Your name, including your role (organizer, club owner, participant, etc.)
  • The location, including address
  • Whether the event is an open jam, pro jam, open mic, or band showcase
  • The accepted genre(s) of music.
  • The date and times of the jam.
  • Any particulars, including whether a host band will be playing, whether backline is provided, etc.
  • You may submit multiple dates, but we will not list repeating events indefinitely.

ONLY events that allow participation by walk-in muscians may be listed on JamCalendar.com. This is not the place to list your gig, where you may have a few buddies sit in. We will be obtaining feedback and reports about the various jams, and will consider those in deciding whether or not to list your jams in the future. Note that sales-type language (e.g. "This is THE BEST jam on the planet!") will likely be omitted from listings.

For anyone else who wants to promote their band or service, paid sponsorship opportunities are available. to reach our extremely targeted base of Southern California musicians and music fans. Email admin@jamcalendar.com to inquire.